Punjab government is using delaying tactics to not release Hafiz Saad Hussain Rizvi and TLP chief is still behind the bars. Central Executive Committee (CEC) of TLP is directing workers from all over the Pakistan to reach Jamia Masjid Rehmatulilalameen Lahore. The central committee has further directed the workers to be there untill Hafiz Saad reaches there.
After Punjab police denied to receive surety bond and release Hafiz Saad Rizvi today, member TLP CEC Mufti Wazir Ali Rizvi has announced to no go back without Hafiz Saad Rizvi. He warned government not to cause agitation.
Earlier CEC TLP, in its video message, directed all office bearers and workers to reach Jamia Masjid RehmatulilAlameen for a historic welcome of TLP chief Hafiz Saad Hussain Rizvi. A caravan from the mosque is on its way to Kot Lakhpat Jail to receive Hafiz Saad Rizvi. However, the reports are erupting that police administration is deliberately delaying the release of Hafiz Saad Hussain Rizvi. So, CEC TLP has warned in their message that if something happens now, government will be fully responsible for that.
"They used to say TLP don't accept constitutional decisions. Now we proved our points in high court, federal review board and anti terrorism court when the government failed to defend their arguments on every platform," said central executive committee.
Lawyers, who are present in the jail for official work at the moment, reported that police is not processing the orders and causing the delay deliberately. According to lawyers, they were called by police administration to submit surety bonds and now after three hours of wait they are told that office has been closed at 4'o clock and release willn't be made today.
آخر کیوں عدالتی احکامات پر عمل نہیں کیا جارہا کیا CCPO کے سامنے عدالتی فیصلے DCO کے حکم کی کوئی اہمیت نہیں؟@PunjabPoliceCPO#سعدرضوی_پھرسرخرو pic.twitter.com/cMV2U7nGR0
— Azeem Rizvi (@ProLabbaik) October 9, 2021
In another video, circulating on social media, it can be seen that the receptionist is just dumb to process the case and delaying it.
*سپریم کورٹ کے حکم کے باوجود CCP0 لاہور ضمانتی مچلکے وصول نہیں کر رہا۔*
— خرم چوہدری (@Chaud_hary) October 9, 2021
*وکلاء 4 گھنٹے سے موجود ہیں لیکن کبھی کوئی بہانہ اور کبھی کوئی ۔*
قانون کو جوتی کی نوک پر رکھا جا رہا ہے 😭😭@Chaud_hary#سعدرضوی_پھرسرخرو pic.twitter.com/sR3n1xirhR